transparency translations

About our translations

At FXStreet, we write articles originally in English and [language]. In order to translate our content originally written in the former, we use an automated translation system that is auto-trained and constantly updated, fed by a large glossary of market-related and economic terms. This makes our translated content equivalent to human translations in terms of quality.

Additionally, to provide the best possible user experience, all of our translated articles include a tag which allows users to clearly identify whether the article translation has been validated by one of our editors.

Validated translation

Every time the reader finds the “validated translation” tag, he will be reading an article reviewed and edited by one of our editors. This guarantees that the content stays completely true to the original version and there are no small discrepancies or tweaks between the original and translated articles. The articles that do not have any type of tag have been written originally in [language].

Automatic translation

The articles which include the “automatic translation” tag have not been reviewed or edited by our editors. The automatically translated articles may contain potential context errors. Nevertheless, our automatic translation system has been tested and validated with a wide sample of our content before being deployed, providing very similar quality results to the human translations.

Transparency with our readers is one of our main values at FXStreet. We believe it is very important that users are aware of how our content is produced and presented, including the degree of human involvement in translations.

If you have any questions, you can ask our team at [email protected]. We are happy to receive every piece of feedback, as it helps us improve.