Barbara Rockefeller
President Rockefeller Treasury Services, Inc.

- Provides daily currency and economic analysis for FXStreet readers as an excerpt from her Daily Currency Briefing newsletter that is distributed to central banks, multinational corporations and fund managers as well as retail traders.
- Founded Rockefeller Treasury Services in 1989.
- First advisor to name exact, specific stops and profit targets in the trading advice.
- Only advisor to publish the exact gain and loss of every trade, every day, so any reader can audit the Track Record.
Before founding Rockefeller Treasury, Barbara worked at Citibank and other banks as a risk manager, new product developer (Cititrend), FX trader, advisor and loan officer.
Miss Rockefeller is engaged to perform FX-related consulting, with projects ranging from fraud cases, the foreign currency payout to victims in the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund, and corporate exposure management.
For Citibank and Reuters, she taught “The Fundamental of Foreign Exchange” in over twenty countries, including Spain, Turkey, Denmark, Nigeria, Thailand, Hong Kong and New Zealand. She is the author of a training course on the fundamentals of FX at www.earnforex.com. She has also presented lectures on technical analysis at the Money Show and Technical Analysis Expo in Paris.
She founded Rockefeller Treasury Services in 1989 to publish the Daily Currency Briefing and added buy/sell trading advice on FX futures in 1994. A third report offering spot trading advice was added in 2006.
She is the first advisor to name exact, specific stops and profit targets in the trading advice. She is the only advisor to publish the exact gain and loss of every trade, every day, so any reader can audit the Track Record.
Technical analysis: Barbara was an early proponent of technical analysis at a time when it was considered crackpot. Later she became the author of Technical Analysis for Dummies, first published in 2003 and now in its 4th edition released in October 2019. She was interviewed as “Trader of the Month” in the magazine Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities (2004).
Fundamentals: Barbara remains interested in the intersection of fundamental and technical analysis and covers both in her daily newsletters. With co-author Vicki Schmelzer (from the Citibank FX trading desk), she covers the top FX fundamentals in book The FX Matrix (2014), including why we don’t have a single theory of exchange rate determination, what risks the trader faces in FX, and why China will not become a reserve currency issuer in our lifetime.
Economics: Barbara tracks core economic fundamentals that determine fixed income and FX prices and stays up to date on the institutional framework that anchors the data, including central banks, international organizations like G7, and politics.
* How to Invest Internationally (Franklin Covey, 1999)
* CNBC 24/7—Trading Around the Clock, Around the World (Wiley, 2000)
* The Global Trader (Wiley, 2001)
* Technical Analysis for Dummies (4th edition, 2019)
* The Foreign Exchange Matrix, with co-author Vicki Schmelzer (Harriman House, 2014)
* The Baby Boomer Survival Guide, with co-author Nick Tate (Humanix Books, 2014).
Barbara has a Bachelor’s Degree from Reed College in Portland, Oregon, and a Master’s in International Affairs from Columbia University in New York City.