President Trump has agreed to a limited trade pact with Beijing that will roll back existing tariff rates on Chinese goods and cancel new levies set to take place on Sunday as part of a deal to boost Chinese purchases of U.S. farm goods and obtain other concessions. – Lingling Wei, Bob Davis, William Mauldin, and Josh Zumbrun, “U.S. Agrees to Limited China Trade Deal,” Wall Street Journal, December 13, 2019.

Not bad for a Friday the 13th. The holiday season known for “giving” was very much in evidence last week as a lot of good things happened for financial markets. For one, the Fed announced that it would leave rates steady for the indefinite future, or until inflation shows signs of rising beyond the boundaries the Fed has established as “in control” for more than just a short-term. It was an unspoken understanding that they would not move rates at all during the upcoming election year. However, they probably are not aware that between May 13 and June 25, 2020, Venus will turn retrograde, a time when they (or other central banks) often change their policies with unexpected announcements of policy changes.

The second good thing that happened for financial markets was that the UK elections finally provided a clearer path for Brexit, the divorce from the Euro Union as voted on over three years ago. The markets can remove that uncertainty from their list of concerns for now (although it will create new concerns as a result).

The third good thing that happened was that the U.S. and China finally announced a “first phase” (of three phases) trade agreement, with the idea that the agreement will be signed January 3. On this good news, the equity markets of the world cheered, especially in the U.S. where the DJIA, S&P and NASDAQ all soared to new all-time highs. So did the Bovespa in Brazil. Many other markets are either testing their all-time highs or making new multi-year highs.

The behavior of equity markets last week was enough to make one think that the geocosmic correlations to stock market activity are alive and well. The U.S. (and other world) markets struggled after their all-time highs of November 27 (DJIA and NASDAQ) and December 2 (S&P). The low of last week occurred Tuesday-Wednesday, December 10-11, as Venus conjoined Saturn (December 11). One of our rules is that any market declining into a hard Venus/Saturn aspect is a candidate for a rally. The idea that stocks would rally big time was anticipated because right after the Venus/Saturn repression, Jupiter (exaggeration and hope) would make a favorable trine aspect to Uranus (breaking through barriers of support or resistance) on December 15. It was right along with the outlook described last week as, “Yet, with Jupiter trine Uranus following those conjunctions (Venus to Saturn and Pluto), there may also be signs of a trade deal between the U.S. and China, which would make sense as new tariffs are scheduled to be launched December 15… it could also mean the final details of a limited agreement suddenly come to fruition. That could be the trigger providing the impetus for another record high by the end of the year, for the Sun will then conjunct Jupiter and trine Uranus, December 24-27.” So, the world got a “limited trade deal” (Saturn) between the U.S. and China, and then a big (Jupiter) rally in equities all over the world. It wasn’t the big, beautiful trade deal that was promised before, but then that promise was made when the expansive planet of Jupiter was in the expansive sign of Sagittarius. Now it is in Capricorn. Big, beautiful deals are downgraded now to acceptable, limited deals.

It was also an excellent week for Crude Oil, which is co-ruled by Jupiter. For the first time since September, Crude Oil traded above $60/barrel. Gold and Silver held up very well. Gold even made a new cycle high, trading briefly above $1490 on Thursday, December 12, for the first time since it broke down November 7. As long as Mars is in Scorpio, and it doesn’t break below 1450, it has bullish legs. Bitcoin, on the other hand, is mired in congestion between 7000 and 7500. However, it is due for a lunar cycle low by the middle of this week.


The U.S. government deficit spiked 12 percent to $342 billion during the first two months of fiscal year 2020, according to data from the Congressional Budget Office. The CBO says the U.S. budget deficit will average $1.2 trillion a year from 2020 to 2029, amounting to 4.4 percent to 4.8 percent of gross domestic product. The federal deficit was $587 billion when President Trump took office in January 2017, and had ballooned to $984 billion in 2019. – Jonathan Garber, “U.S. Deficit Soars to $342 Billion in Two Months,”, December 10, 2019.

The celebratory Jupiter transits will remain in force through December 27 when the Sun conjoins it, trine Uranus. Thus, even with the Capricorn background of these planets, it still creates a feel-good sensation about the future. For now. It could all change early next year when the Sun leaves Jupiter and joins up with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, January 10-13. During that time, Uranus will also change directions, which means a lot of trends may also change directions around that time.

But for now, let’s enjoy the season and the breakthrough of several concerns that have plagued the market and world leaders all year. We will reserve our worries for next year until …. next year. You can read all about it in this year’s Forecast 2020 Book, which goes out Monday. It’s going to be quite the year, cosmically-speaking.


MMA will take a holiday vacation after next week. There will be no subscription reports or columns written after December 23, until January 3. Have fun! With all this Jupiter energy in effect through December 27, there is no reason why one should not. However, you may have to be careful of having too much fun. Jupiter oftentimes has difficulty knowing its boundaries, or the boundaries of others. But with common sense and a little respect for others, the promise for a great holiday season is possible for businesses and individuals alike. It may actually feel like we are working in harmony with one another, that we recognize those things that connect us with one another, rather than those things that set us apart. Enjoy!


NOTE 1: The ICR (International Cycles Reports) from MMA will be issued this week, December 16-18. The ICR Financials includes analysis on ASX (Australian Stock Index), RUT (Russell 2000), SSE (Chinese Shanghai Stock Composite), HSI (Hang Seng Index), AUD (Australian Dollar), DXY (US Dollar), and GBP (British Pound). The ICR Commodities Report includes analysis on LC (Live Cattle), MJ (Cannabis), XAU (Gold and Silver), KT (Coffee), KA (Sugar), C (Corn), and W (Wheat). These reports are written by MMA Analyst and editor Mark Shyterman (metals, stock indices, and soft commodities), MMA Analyst Raymond Merriman (China markets), MMA Analyst Ulric Aspegren (Currencies), Isabella Suleymanov (Grains), and Massimo Moras (Live Cattle and Hang Seng). If you are not a subscriber to the International Cycles Report and wish a copy of our outlook, consider trying the December Issue for only $35.

NOTE 2: SPECIAL ANNUAL REPORTS ON JAPANESE, CHINESE AND GERMAN STOCK INDICES FROM MMA. This year’s English edition of the Forecast 2020 Book is 250 pages, our largest ever. We think readers will be pleased with additional analysis on the three synodic cycles that will be in effect in 2020, something that has happened in over 130 years. The correlation of these cycles to mundane, political , and economic events is fascinating, especially the research on the longest of these planetary cycles beginning this year: the 32-37 year Saturn/Pluto conjunction.

In addition to the English edition of Forecast 2020, Raymond Merriman has written three special 9-page yearly market reports/forecasts for the Japanese Nikkei, Chinese Shanghai Composite, and the German DAX stock indices. Each of these are translated and printed in their respective Japanese, Chinese, and German book editions of Forecast 2020.

Many of our English readers and global investors may find these reports to be of special interest too. Therefore, we will make each of these reports available for purchase for $30 apiece. They are written in English and analyze each of these markets from the perspective of their long- and intermediate-term cycles, as well as citing their correlations to planetary cycles in effect in 2020, such as the history of the three major synodic cycles that will unfold next year.

If you are interested in ordering either of these three special reports on the 2020 outlook for the Nikkei, Shanghai Composite, or German DAX, please visit our Special Annual Report shop.

NOTE 3: The Forecast 2020 Book is now printed and distribution begins this Monday, December 16th, to those who have pre-ordered. As always, we print an additional 10% of books to the number of orders received by the end of the pre-publication period. This year’s printing looks like it will sell out again, so if you wish a copy of this year’s book, please order before they are gone. The cost is $55.00 plus postage for the printed edition (no postage for the eBook edition). Order both an eBook and print book (Forecast 2020 Bundle) for only $75! This year’s Forecast Book will cover: The Saturn/Pluto 32-37 year cycle, the Jupiter./Saturn 20- and 200- and 800-year cycle, and the 13-year Jupiter/Pluto cycle, and their correspondence to historical events that relate top themes present in today’s world. Also covered will be The USA and the 2020 Presidential Election, the potential for the next financial crisis, and the outlook for financial markets in 2020, including interest rates, treasuries, stock market, Gold and Silver, currencies (U.S. Dollar, Dollar/Yen, Swiss Franc, Euro, and British Pound), Crude Oil, Grains, Bitcoin, and Live Cattle. This will be the largest Forecast Book ever written- over 250 pages! Order now before they are gone.

This year’s printed version of Forecast 2020 will also available in four other languages, as follows:


NOTE 4: The last issue of the MMA Monthly Cycles Report for 2019 was released last week, Tuesday, December 10. Every issue provides MMA’s intermediate-term outlook for the U.S. stock market, Gold and Silver, Treasuries, Euro Currency, Crude Oil and Soybeans. Each issue also contains MMA’s original geocosmic critical reversal dates (CRDs) and Solar/Lunar reversal dates over the next several weeks for DJIA, Gold, and Silver. If you are not a subscriber to the monthly MMA Cycles Report and wish a copy of our outlook for financial markets, consider trying the December Issue for only $35. With stocks making all-time highs again (forecasted ion the past two monthly issues), and Gold recently making a new 6-year high, and Jupiter now leaving Sagittarius as the 2020 “Capricorn Stellium” begins, this is an important juncture for many financial markets.


January 12, 2020: The Saturn/Pluto Conference: “Reset Astrology: Start of a New Era,” Zurich, Switzerland, featuring Claude Weiss, Monica Kissling, Verna Bachmann, Alexandra Klinghammer, Klemens Ludwig, Markus Jehle, Dr. Christof Niederwieser, and Raymond Merriman. For more information, visit

February 8, 2020: MMA’s Forecast 2020 live webinar will take place on Saturday, February 8, 2020. In the comfort of your own home or office, you can tune into Raymond Merriman’s annual worldwide Forecast 2020 Webinar. This broadcast will address subjects from next year’s Forecast 2020 Book, with updates on financial markets since the book was written in November 2019. Outlooks for the U.S. stock market, Gold and Silver, crude oil, and currencies will be discussed. Cost is $55.00 and includes the slides of the presentation, plus a downloadable video recording of the event. If unable to attend live, you can still sign up, as everyone who orders the Webinar will receive the slides and video recording, following the live event.

September 9-14, 2020: The ISAR 2020 Conference on “Reimagining the Future.” The largest and most exciting international astrological conference taking place in 2020. With a faculty of over 100 of the world’s top astrologers from 25 different countries, and very dynamic tracks on Financial Astrology, Mundane and Political Astrology, and other topics, this is an event you will not want to miss. On Wednesday, September 9, Ray Merriman will be conducting a 4-hour workshop on Astrology and the art of financial market timing: How to forecast trends and market reversals. This course will provide research studies showing the correlation of astrological factors to short-term and longer-term financial market timing in stock markets, precious metals, and Bitcoin. To register or see more information on this spectacular event, go to go to and be prepared to be amazed!


The U.S. economy added 136,000 jobs in September, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said Friday. Economists polled by Dow Jones expected an increase of 145,000 jobs. The unemployment rate fell to 3.5%, a 50-year low, but wages grew at a slower-than-expected pace last month. “This sounds like a Goldilocks number to me,” Steve Grasso, director of institutional sales at Stuart Frankel, told CNBC. “It still gives the Fed some room for cover to cut rates. This is as close to a not-too-hot, not-too-cold greeting for the market.”– Fred Imbert, “Dow Jumps More Than 200 Points After Steady Jobs Report,” October 4, 2019,

And on that news, plus supportive statements by Fed Chair Jerome Powell that the economy was still on sound footing, the U.S. stock market blasted off to the upside.

It started out as a difficult week for global stock indices, following the rapid pace of the impeachment investigation on President Donald Trump, combined with a poor manufacturing report mid-week, leading investors to think that the U.S. might be headed for a recession sooner than previously thought. By early Thursday, the DJIA had plummeted to a weekly low of 25,743, a new 5-week low and well off the double top highs of 27,306 and 27, 272 on September 12 and 19 respectively, just before the final passage of the Jupiter/Neptune waning square on Saturday, September 21.But by Friday’s close, the DJIA was back up to 26,573. It was still down 246 points for the week, but at the low on Thursday, it was down over 1000 points. Happy days are here again!

Other markets were just as volatile as stocks. Gold, for instance, fell to a low of 1465 on Tuesday, October 1. That was its lowest price in 8 weeks. That decline didn’t last long either. By Thursday, it was trading up to 1525 before settling the week at 1510. Silver was just as dramatic. It plunged to 16.94 on Tuesday, October 1, its lowest price in 7 weeks. By the next day, it was trading well above 17.50. That was probably a function of heliocentric Mercury in Sagittarius, September 26-October 7, combined with geocentric Venus in Libra, September 14-October 8. The former time frame corresponds to wild price swings in metals and the latter to primary or half-primary cycle troughs.

As stocks plummeted, treasuries and currencies rallied sharply. When stocks fall, investors fear a recession is on the way, and believe that the Fed will lower interest rates. Since rates are already very low, this is perceived to be inflationary, which lowers the value of the Dollar, and increases the expected future value of commodities and foreign currencies. If stocks continue their rally next week, you may see each of these markets retreat.



Well, happy days will be here again if the market gets its wish for a rate cut and a U.S. – China trade deal moving forward in the next 1-2 weeks as investors hope. Even though Jupiter and Neptune have made their final passage, there still seems to be a bit of “irrational exuberance” and possibly false hopes as there is still no confirmation that either of those two wishes will be granted.

We note that on October 14, the week that an important announcement on one or both of these matters is due, Jupiter will make a sesquiquadrate (135°) aspect to the unpredictable Uranus, which will re-activate the Jupiter/Neptune square, since they are still in close orb to exact aspects with one another. That is, Jupiter will still be within three degrees of its square to Neptune, and Uranus is still a little more than three degrees off an exact semi-square to Neptune. Jupiter splits them both with its 135° sesquiquadrate that week.

As if that is not enough, October 13 is a Full Moon (it will be in effect when Asian markets open up Monday morning, October 14). And just prior to that, on October 12, Venus will make an important opposition to “Uranus the Unpredictable” again, this time from Scorpio to Taurus, the money signs. Well, Taurus is money, as in credit. Scorpio is debt. This aspect also brings back into play the Jupiter/Neptune square, so there is plenty of cosmic support for “irrational exuberance” continuing for another 1-2 weeks, and again with the very real possibility of turning out to be another big disillusionment.

And as if that is not enough, we also note that the Sun will make a square to both Saturn and Pluto, October 7 and 14. Saturn pertains to the government, and Pluto, as noted before, is associated with debt and taxes. The combination can also be associated with attempts to remove people from office, implying that the impeachment investigation processes are likely to grind forward for at least another 1-2 weeks. If I am reading this right, it may even continue right into the 2020 elections, for Mars will be turning retrograde in Aries in the latter half of 2020, also in square aspect to Saturn and Pluto for the better part of August through November. I don’t know if the impeachment proceedings are being planned with that time line in mind, but that’s how I see it.

If anyone thought 2016 was a nasty election, wait for the 2020 election under Mars Retrograde square Saturn and Pluto. For good measure, Mercury will be just ending its retrograde motion within 24 hours of the election too. The good news is that 2020 may be the peak of political discord exhibited in U.S. elections for the rest of our lives. More on this in the Forecast 2020 Book, which I am finding a fascinating undertaking. It is still on schedule for release December 15, 2019. The 2017 and 2018 books described the “Reset” that would take place in global politics and economics. That was spot on. The 2019 book described the “Setup” for the Capricorn Stellium that will unfold in 2020, and that too is unfolding as discussed. And 2020 will be the year of “Checkmate.” Someone is going to win and someone is going to lose this chess match that has been underway since 2017 between the executive branch of the United States government and other world and national leaders.

Disclaimer and statement of purpose: The purpose of this column is not to predict the future movement of various financial markets. However, that is the purpose of the MMA (Merriman Market Analyst) subscription services. This column is not a subscription service. It is a free service, except in those cases where a fee may be assessed to cover the cost of translating this column from English into a non-English language. This weekly report is written with the intent to educate the reader on the relationship between astrological factors and collective human activities as they are happening. In this regard, this report will oftentimes report what happened in various stock and financial markets throughout the world in the past week, and discuss that movement in light of the geocosmic signatures that were in effect. It will then identify the geocosmic factors that will be in effect in the next week, or even month, or even years, and the author’s understanding of how these signatures will likely affect human activity in the times to come. The author (Merriman) will do this from a perspective of a cycles’ analyst looking at the military, political, economic, and even financial markets of the world. It is possible that some forecasts will be made based on these factors. However, the primary goal is to both educate and alert the reader as to the psychological climate we are in, from an astrological perspective. The hope is that it will help the reader understand the psychological dynamics that underlie (or coincide with) the news events and hence financial markets of the day. No guarantee as to the accuracy of this report is being made here. Any decisions in financial markets are solely the responsibility of the reader, and neither the author nor the publishers assume any responsibility at all for those individual decisions. Reader should understand that futures and options trading are considered high risk.

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